Animal Haven Veterinary Clinic

1433 NW Frontage RD
Socorro, NM 87801


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We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule. Please schedule an appointment today! 

Request Appointment

Please note that you do not have an appointment until you receive confirmation from us. Thank you!


Office Hours

We are open during the following hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
8:00AM - 12:00PM & 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Wednesday, Saturday: 9:00AM-1:00PM


Contact Us

Pet Library




Animal Haven Veterinary Clinic of Socorro provides you with a full library of pet medical information from the Veterinary Information Network.  VIN is the world's first and largest online veterinary community, where new articles are added weekly by the experts at VIN to make sure that our readers have the most current veterinary information available.


Welcome to our library

You can use the search box to find the subject you are looking for. Enter a word or words that describe the topic you want information on eg., CUSHING'S DISEASE.
You can filter your results by first selecting a species.

If you are not familiar with the exact terminology, or you are unsure of the spelling, enter a partial word.

Articles by Species

Click on a species below to view a list of the articles